
What are the advantages and disadvantages of spring cloud and Dubbo?

To compare the similarities and differences between the two micro-service frameworks, we first understand the implementation of micro-service based on Dubbo.
Dubbo is an open source SOA service governance solution in Ali. It has abundant documents and is widely used in China.
Microservices built with Dubbo can solve the problems mentioned above.

But Dubbo is not perfect for micro-service architecture either:

New Choice – Spring Cloud

As a new generation of service framework, Spring Cloud’s slogan is to develop “cloud-oriented applications”, which provides more comprehensive technical support for micro-service architecture.

Spring Cloud abandoned Dubbo’s RPC communications and adopted an HTTP-based REST approach. Strictly speaking, these two ways have their own advantages and disadvantages. Although to some extent, the latter sacrifices the performance of service invocation, it also avoids the problems caused by the native RPC mentioned above. Moreover, REST is more flexible than RPC. The dependencies of service providers and invokers depend on only one contract, and there is no strong dependency at the code level. This is more appropriate in a microservice environment that emphasizes rapid evolution.